Influence of ferrocyanide inhibitors on the
transport and crystallization process
Soluble salts such as chlorides,
sulfates, and nitrates are widely recognized as a cause of
destruction in porous building materials. In light of the limited
practical options available for the control of salt damage, the
use of crystallization inhibitors has been proposed as a potential
preventive treatment method. These inhibitors act either by
preventing or delaying the onset of nucleation. Here we have
looked ferrocyanide (FC) ions as a preventive measure for NaCl
Drying of salt
solution droplet with/without inhibitor.
Initially we started with the drying of a 3 m salt solution droplet
without inhibitor.The measured salt concentration is given in Fig
Fig 1Drying of a 300 μL of 3 m NaCl salt solution
droplet without inhibitor A and with inhibitor B. The concentration in the droplet was measured using NMR
After about 8 h a the sodium concentration
remains at 6 M, indicating crystallization. This onset of
crystallization was also observed by direct visualization where
cubic structured crystals. In order to do the analyses of the
advection−diffusion processes in a droplet, the data are plotted
in a way that is somewhat similar to a so-called efflorescence pathway diagram. In
Figure 2 the data for the 3 m NaCl salt solution droplet are
plotted. As can be seen for the salt solution droplet, initially
the Pe < 1 path is followed indicating diffusion dominance and
the concentration increased until nearly the saturation
concentration was reached, after which it stayed constant at
approximately the saturation concentration 6.1 m.
Fig 2.Advection−diffusion analysis diagram for the
droplet drying experiment: The total amount of dissolved sodium
in the droplet is plotted as a function of the volume of the droplet (V).
Both the axes are normalized with respect to the initial volume
of the droplet (Vinitial). The division of both
the axes gives the average concentration (Cavg) of Na
in NaCl solution droplet shown by solid lines in the figure. The results for 3 m NaCl salt solution droplet with
(△) and without inhibitor (□) are shown.
Next the drying of 3 m NaCl droplet in the
presence of 0.01 m inhibitor was studied and the results are given
in fig 1B.After approximately 2 h the concentration in the droplet
was on the order of 6.1 m but no crystallization was observed. As
the drying progresses the concentration increased and the system
supersaturated slowly. After 8h a faster decrease in moisture and
sodium content was observed indicating crystallization. This was
also observed by direct visualization. A small bunch of dendritic
crystals were observed near the edge of the droplet. The
corresponding average concentration at this point was nearly 10 m
giving a supersaturation of 1.6 (calculated as C/Co). From this
moment onward the average concentration in the droplet continued
to increase as a rapid increase in the surface area of the
droplet was observed. This was due to the formation of dendritic
crystals, the branches of which provided a pathway for the
solution to spread over a much larger surface area, this
phenomenon being commonly known as “salt creep” (see also Fig 1B).
Because of the enlarged surface area for evaporation a similar
increase in the drying rate was observed, and the solution
concentration increased to nearly 12 m. After about 9.5 h the
drying rate decreased and no further spreading of the droplets was
observed. Meanwhile, the concentration returned to the equilibrium
concentration (6.1 m). The results from the drying of a salt
solution droplet with inhibitor are also plotted in Figure 2; as
can be seen in this case the sodium concentration also remains
homogeneous until crystallization and the droplet supersaturates,
reaching a maximum concentration on the order of 10 m before
crystallization. These results show that the ferrocyanide is
acting as a strong nucleation inhibitor, which delays the onset of
crystallization resulting in higher solution concentration.
Drying of fired-clay brick with salt
droplet with/without inhibitor.
In the previous section we have shown that the
presence of an inhibitor significantly increases the
supersaturation within salt solution droplets. This
delay in onset of crystallization can promote efflorescence growth
by inhibiting NaCl nucleation inside the stone. Also this delay
may be an advantage in situations where the object is exposed to a
fluctuating environment. For such a case, the conditions for the
crystallization may only be temporarily met. Nevertheless when
exposed for periods of sustained low RH the critical
supersaturation of the NaCl solution may be reached. A higher
supersaturation can cause higher crystallization pressure and
hence the risk of damage is then greater. Therefore to ascertain
the effects of the ferrocyanide inhibitor on the ion transport and
crystallization behavior of sodium chloride solution within porous
media a series of one-dimensional drying experiments were
performed using fired-clay brick. The results of the experiment
are given in an EPD in figure 3.
Fig 3. Efflorescence pathway diagram for the brick
drying experiment: The total amount of dissolved sodium content
is plotted as a function of time dependent average moisture content (θavg)
in the brick. Both the axes are normalized with respect to the
initial average moisture content. The division of both the axes gives the average concentration (Cavg)
of Na in the brick as shown by solid lines in the figure.
As in the case of the droplet two extreme
situations can be distinguished on this macroscopic scale. In the
first case when the system dries very slowly (Pe < 1);
diffusion dominates resulting in a homogeneous distribution of
ions throughout the sample. For this situation, starting from an
initial concentration of 3 m the salt solution concentration will
increase throughout the sample, until the saturation concentration
6.1 m is achieved. From this moment onward any further drying will
cause crystallization. Furthermore, the concentration will stay
constant at 6.1 m. In thesecond case the system dries very fast
(Pe > 1), that is, advection dominates. In this case, ions will
be transported alongwith the moisture flow toward the drying
surface. Thus, the concentration will increase near the drying
surface. If there are enough nucleation sites, accumulation of
ions beyond the saturation concentration will immediately result
in crystallization near the surface as efflorescence. For
fired-clay brick with only NaCl after some time as the drying
slows down the Pe < 1 path is followed. As salt inhibitor is
added this changes. In this case the EPD indicates that
Pe>>1. Is due to the inhibitor. Because of dendritic crystal
growth morphology in the presence of inhibitor, the effective
surface area for evaporation increases and hence the liquid
velocity increases. The salt solution creeps along the branches of
the dendrites and transports more and more dissolved salt ions
toward the drying surface which was seen as efflorescence by the
end of the drying experiment. In this case the concentration of
the salt solution in the brick stays ate the initial concentration
of 3M.
From the droplet drying experiments it is
concluded that the presence of inhibitor makes the drying process
faster. Higher supersaturation and change in crystal morphology
were observed. After attaining supersaturation the salt
concentration returns to the equilibrium concentration (6.1 m).
This clearly shows that the system goes from a metastable state to
stable equilibrium state and NMR provides a sufficient
signal-to-noise ratio to determine this transition. Besides this,
a tremendous spreading of the salt crystals in the form of
efflorescence was observed. This increase in efflorescence
formation was related to the inhibitor concentration and resulted
in elevating the drying rate. From the brick drying experiments it
is concluded that the presence of inhibitor changes the drying
conditions near the material/air interface due to changes in
crystal morphology. Dendrite crystals provide a much larger
surface area for evaporation and advection becomes the governing
phenomenon throughout the drying process. Advection of dissolved
salt ions causes crystallization of salt near the drying surface
as nondestructive efflorescence. As a result the concentration
inside the material stays almost constant at the initial
concentration. This indicates that ferrocyanide ions could
potentially be effective against NaCl damage in buildingmaterials
as they promote nondestructive efflorescence rather than
destructive subflorescence.
An extensive description can be found in:
Sonia Gupta, Kristina Terheiden, Leo Pel, and Alison Sawdy,
Influence of ferrocyanide inhibitors on the transport and
crystallization processes of sodium chloride in porous building
materials, Crystal Growth & Design, 2012 (DOI:
S.Gupta, Sodium
chloride crystallization in drying porous media: influence of
inhibitor, Ph.D. thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology (2013) (Download
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